By Marieta du Toit, Director, Sensory Coach, Workshop Facilitator at Sensory Intelligence Consulting
It's that magical time of year again. Christmas trees, larger than life, have sprung up in shopping malls. The familiar red Santa suits are out of storage, and the airwaves are filled with songs about Rudolph and his famous red nose. And let's not forget the little ones, desperately trying to be on their best behaviour in hopes of a special delivery from Santa and his helpers on Christmas Eve.
Can you believe it? In just a few days, it'll be Christmas!
We often see the holidays portrayed as a time for big family gatherings. The preparations for Christmas lunches start weeks in advance. Table decorations become a riot of colour, and stores are lined with mistletoe-themed serviettes, candles, and wrapping paper covered in golden, glittery stars.
At this time of the year, our world becomes brighter, louder, and busier.
If you take a moment to observe and listen, you'll notice a subtle divide in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Some are brimming with excitement for the upcoming festivities, while others are dreading it.
We're all wonderfully different, and thankfully so! We don't all enjoy the same things.
To make sense of these differences in preferences and personal choices, let's delve into sensory processing and how individual sensory thresholds influence our reactions to the environment.
For someone with high sensory thresholds, the holiday season is an opportunity to soak in a variety of sensory experiences. Their ideal Christmas might include:
And after all that, the excitement starts again planning for New Year’s Eve!
On the other end of the spectrum, individuals with low sensory thresholds prefer a more subdued experience. Their ideal holiday might include:
This would then be followed by a period of hibernation, with phones switched off until New Year’s Eve.
So, let’s be sensible this holiday season and celebrate Christmas in a way that suits our individual needs and allow our loved ones to do the same.
If you’re curious about your sensory thresholds you can discover more by completing a Sensory Matrix available from Sensory Intelligence. This will help you understand and maximise your sensory wiring.
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About Sensory Intelligence®
Founded in 2003 by registered Occupational Therapist Dr Annemarie Lombard and headquartered in Cape Town, Sensory Intelligence® Consulting consists of a niche group of passionate healthcare professionals experienced in neuroscience.
Sensory Intelligence® Consulting is committed to helping people be healthy, happy, and productive through the 7 senses.
Lombard, who has more than 30 years’ experience and is the author of ‘Sensory Intelligence® – why it matters more than IQ and EQ’, pioneered the Sensory Matrix, a tool that has been designed to assist people understand and manage their 7 senses.
Through the use of revolutionary, innovative, yet simple frameworks of sensory assessments, workshops, and coaching, its clients learn how to engage their 7 senses for improved wellness, relationships, and productivity.
Sensory Intelligence® Consulting won the BPeSA contact centre industry organisations’ “Best Non-Technical Innovation – External Award” in 2010 for their Senses on Call e-assessment tool.
Company Contact:
Dr. Annemarie Lombard
+27 84 661 1010
Editorial Contact:
Gloria Malan
082 340 2876